Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, is a condition that affects many people as they age, particularly women. Initial symptoms include simple, ordinary concerns such as feeling tired or gaining weight. However, as the condition advances, you may start to notice puffiness around your face, sluggish digestion, and hair loss.
What Causes Hypothyroid Symptoms?
Factors that can contribute to an underactive thyroid include:
1 – Turning 60. Aging can do a number of the entire endocrine system, particularly after menopause.
2 – A family history of autoimmune diseases such as Lupus or Type 1 Diabetes. These conditions indicate that you are prone to inflammatory reactions.
3 – Recent childbirth. Pregnancy is a large load on the endocrine system, so glandular problems after pregnancy are not unheard of.
4 – Iodine deficiency. It should be noted that many of us receive supplemental iodine in our diets, but may not be able to absorb it.
5 – Pituitary disorders, including benign tumors.
6 – Treatment or medication history for overactive or hyperthyroid. If you’ve taken medication or had surgery for hyperthyroid, you may be facing the reversal of that condition.
Complications that can arise from untreated hypothyroid include:
1 – Increased risk of heart disease. Endocrine challenges can lead to tremendous stress on the heart.
2 – Goiter development. As your body needs the hormones produced by this crucial gland, it will become overstimulated and can develop growths.
3 – Peripheral neuropathy, resulting in numbness or pain in the extremities and loss of muscle tone in those extremities. This condition can lead to dangerous conditions. Pain in the extremities can keep you miserable and unable to move, and numbness means you can leave injuries unattended.
4 – Depression. Any upset to the endocrine system can leave you feeling both helpless and hopeless.
Tracking the Symptoms of an Underactive Gland
It’s important to monitor your daily health concerns to determine if your energy level, digestive processes and mental acuity are truly altered. Additionally, monitor your skin for dry patches you can’t seem to correct and pay attention to the condition of your hair. Consider keeping a journal of your daily activities, the times when you really struggled and the times you were able to forget your condition.
Essential Oils that can Help You Feel Stronger, Relieve Your Symptoms and Heal Your Body
If you’ve been diagnosed with any endocrine system disorder and are struggling to find a proper treatment in western medicine, you may gain some relief with essential oil blends that can help you support your spirit and mood while the oils improve the condition of this critical gland at the base of your neck.
You may be wondering why your doctor hasn’t recommended the use of essential oils if they have the potential to help heal your body. The truth is, most medical professions believe that if a drug has no negative side effects, it isn’t powerful enough to produce any positive benefits.
That may sound counterintuitive but it’s true. Essential oils are not drugs so they are not considered an acceptable form of treatment by the traditional medical community.
However, that doesn’t mean they can’t help heal your body. In fact, they are very powerful and many people use them for a host of physical and emotional problems with success. This includes the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism.
Essential oils have medicinal properties that work by bringing the body back into balance without the dangerous side-effects of many traditional medications. This makes them an excellent choice for the treatment of hypothyroidism given that this condition is characterized by an imbalance of hormones.
However, it is very important that you do your research on the oils you are selecting. Purchasing high quality organic and edible grade essential oil is critical for any treatment of a chronic condition. While many oils can call themselves “essential,” true healing oils are especially pure and free of toxins.
The Best Oils to Fight the Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Inflammation is a common side effect of this condition and will impact many bodily systems. If you’re feeling moody, tired, achy or if your muscles are stiff, try all or any of the following in a warm bath:
Geranium oil will help to help boost your immune system and brighten your skin. This oil can lift tired, dried out skin, help you relax and feel more like yourself, and is great to breathe in for a soothing treatment for your lungs.
Frankincense oil will help to boost your spirits and fight depression. This oil can also be applied under the tongue or on the roof of the mouth when you purchase an organic edible grade product.
Peppermint oil will clear the respiratory tract, help you breathe easier and clear your mind. A steamy bath of peppermint oil can leave you mentally elevated and fully oxygenated. Look out world!
Grapefruit oil will brighten your outlook and offer a natural antimicrobial to your bath water. This bright citrus tang is a great way to boost your energy.
Diffuser Treatments
Lavender Oil
Other treatments include diffusing lavender oil to calm your mind and fight irritability. Please be kind to yourself! You’re entitled to be grumpy on occasion; you’re fighting your way out of a grim health issue.
In fact, to help you rest, relax and reduce your worries, use lavender oil as a perfume, on your pillow and to freshen the air of your home through a diffuser. This lovely oil can aid you in improving the quality of your sleep and allow your body to heal itself more efficiently.
Topical Treatments
Lemongrass Oil
Treat yourself to a foot massage of lemongrass oil and myrrh on your wrists and the reflexology point to promote gland health; namely, the big toe.
As a topical, lemongrass oil is well suited to reduce many symptoms associated with hypothyroid, including sore muscles, arthritic joints, and headache. Lemongrass, like all citrus oils, is inherently antimicrobial. If your immune system is not as responsive as it once was, treating your skin with a dilution of lemongrass oil can help cut down on your risk of infection.
Cedarwood Oil
Hypothyroidism can really do a number on your metabolism. Cedarwood oil can help you boost your body’s internal engine, raise your energy level and balance out your hormones. This should be used topically at various points on the body e.g. base of the neck, bottom of your feet.
Edible Treatments
Spearmint Oil
Other oils noted to promote endocrine health through specific application include spearmint oil, particularly suited to reducing digestive inflammation and the constipation that often comes with hypothyroid. A drop or two of this oil can be added to a beverage or dessert to aid in digestion. Additionally, you can add a bit to your toothbrush for a fresh, clean feel at the start of the day.
Clove Oil
You can blend two drops of clove oil into a cup of warm water to reduce gas pain and pressure and the heavy feeling in the gut that comes with constipation and poor digestion in general. Additionally, if your gut is badly out of balance because of your digestive issues, this oil can reduce any nausea or cramping you may suffer as you heal.
Myrrh Oil
If your endocrine imbalance has you feeling sluggish, you may benefit from myrrh oil. Let your physician know you are considering using this product internally and take it in very small doses. Myrrh oil is an expectorant; the intestinal reaction may be more extreme that you were prepared for.
Marjoram Oil or Seeds
A badly damaged microbiome and the subsequent flatulence, constipation and general misery that accompanies it can be greatly aided by marjoram oil or seeds. Marjoram aids in digestion from the moment the food passes your lips, stimulating salivary glands, then stomach acid and bile. Finally, this oil will help your large intestine move waste from your body and reduce the discomfort caused by constipation. Again, this is a product on which you want to start small and avoid any major shocks to your digestive system. Bringing your gut back into balance will take some time.
A Word About Ingesting Essential Oil
Once you’ve purchased an edible grade of essential oil, it’s important to start any ingesting routine at an extremely high level of dilution; that is, a very little bit of essential oil to a lot of filtered water.
Be sure to discuss your intention to take these products with your physicians so you can review any medical interactions to watch out for. Finally, consider keeping a journal so you can monitor your body’s response to any essential oil dosage. Every person’s bpdy is unique and every reaction is extremely personal. What works for others may not work for you, so monitor your own sense of well-being and adjust accordingly.
Oils to Apply Directly to the Gland
Myrrh Oil
Myrrh oil is rated highly as a direct topical for an underactive gland. Rub a few drops into the skin at the base of your neck and breathe deeply. This treatment will massage the affected tissue, open up your breathing tract, and clear your head. The stress-reducing power of myrrh will give your over-taxed gland a well-earned break.
An oral application of frankincense oil under the tongue or to the roof of the mouth can be an ideal way to boost efficient digestion and get rid of excess weight, tummy bulk and general digestive sluggishness. Frankincense oil can also be applied directly to the skin and massaged near the gland at the base of the neck.
Evening Primrose Oil
To kick start your endocrine system, you might also consider a daily dosage of evening primrose oil. This product offers terrific benefits for anyone suffering from severe inflammation conditions from arthritis and rosacea. Sore joints and skin inflammations can be soothed by a combination of evening primrose oil and flax oil. These can be purchased in supplement form.
Topical Blends
One effective topical option is to mix equal parts clove and lemongrass with a bit of frankincense for direct application to the skin above the gland. This healing blend can also be applied to the adrenals glands or on your low back for increased healing power.
If you’re going to create or use a topical for your throat, be sure to include the reflexology points for the gland (the big toes and bottoms of the feet) to boost healing. You can mix a simple blend of equal parts clove, peppermint and citronella essential oil for a simple mixture to be used over the gland and on the feet for gland support.
You can also increase this mixture and blend with organic coconut oil for an oil rub for the gland, your spine and your feet. This large batch should keep for several days when stored covered in a cool place. Don’t refrigerate any product suspended in coconut oil as it will gel and be hard to apply.
To make things a bit easier, custom blends of hypothyroid-supporting oils have already been created to help you find the best treatment for your endocrine concern. The Ajai Alchemy line includes Radiance, a product including citrus oils, peppermint, and rose hip oil. This product is blended and sold in an applicator designed to roll the oil directly onto the gland.
Look and Feel Better
Some of the physical reactions to the loss of essential hormones can leave you feeling uncertain about your appearance. To combat thinning hair, treat yourself to lavender oil to add to your shampoo. Rosemary is another excellent scalp treatment to reverse hair loss.
If your skin has grown dry and you always look tired, geranium oil can help. This essential skin-brightening oil can help bring back your glow! It can be whipped into a facial cream or added, drop by drop to your favorite moisturizer. Take care around your eyes, nose and lips to avoid irritating the tender tissues, and enjoy a brighter look.
Aromatherapy diffusers can be a great addition to your daily routine by offering the benefits of breathing in good health. Use rosemary oil or peppermint and breathe in a better frame of mind and more focus.
A Note on Skin Irritation
While lemongrass oil and grapefruit oil can have a terrific antimicrobial effect as well as lifting your mood, some people with sensitive skin may not be able to use citrus essential oils due to the potential irritation that may develop. If you have ever reacted badly to a topical essential oil, review ingredients with care. Additionally, if your plan is to use an essential oil as a tincture or on your toothbrush, you’re probably better off not using a blend but sticking with an organic edible grade oil.
Final Thoughts
If western medicine is telling you that you’re doing well but your body and spirit are telling you something else, discuss the use of oils with your doctor. Some physicians will have no problem with it, while others may be curious. Either way, do not ingest essential oils until you find out if there could be any potential reactions with medications you are taking.
Go easy on any topicals containing citrus oil until you test the skin to make sure you don’t have a flare-up or extreme sensitivity.
Congratulations on taking control of your well-being and have fun exploring the exciting benefits of this often overlooked but effective holistic method of healing!