There are a number of energy therapies that are based on Eastern beliefs, and Reiki is one of them. In a system that believes that energy can be harnessed to encourage the body to heal itself, it is used to treat a number of conditions, including fatigue, depression, anxiety, and pain.

The treatment involves a therapist placing their hands on, or just above, a patient to enable the patient’s own healing response.

It means “universal life energy” and the development of Reiki has been attributed to Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist.

It focuses on chakras, the seven main energy centers, and to ensure that you are healthy physically, spiritually and mentally your energy should flow freely through your chakras.

Reiki releases energy to allow the body to do its own healing, and practitioners are of the belief that blocked energy paths could lead to illness, weakness or pain.

During treatment, the practitioner will lay hands over certain chakras, and unlike Healing Touch therapy, it is most likely that more than one session will be required.

Each session lasts around an hour, and you should ensure that you are dressed comfortably and you will be fully clothed during treatment.

WebMD reports several of Reiki’s health benefits:

  • Many health professionals believe that Reiki can be helpful in treating stress and anxiety.
  • Many people have used it to ease tension in the muscles, increase the speed of healing, improve sleep, and decrease levels of pain.
  • Reiki has been used by those who are going through cancer treatments like chemotherapy, as it can reduce nausea, as well as provide relief from the pain.
  • It is not used to treat the cancer itself, but the symptoms that come with.

While there have been very few studies completed on Reiki, and those that have been completed involved a very small group, the studies do show that there are no adverse side effects.

The University of California, Los Angeles points to the Touchstone Process, a peer review method for analyzing scientific studies being carried out on Reiki programs across the United States, whether in clinics, hospitals, or hospices.

The upshot is that one single source is gathering and analyzing the studies of worth regarding Reiki. The reviews are impartial, thorough, and consistent.

In testing on humans between 1993 and 2006 Reiki received ratings of satisfactory – excellent, offering evidence that Reiki can, in fact, be used to control pain levels.

Between 2008 and 2009, rats with high levels of stress were given Reiki treatment, while the control group was given bogus Reiki treatments. The group of rats given true Reiki showed a significant reduction in stress levels, while the rats given bogus Reiki showed no change. This evidence was rated excellent.

The Touchstone Process has received many other controlled studies, and a number of them tested favorably to Reiki.

Illnesses, and symptoms, that saw improvement include:

  • Cognitive ability in those with dementia, or Alzheimer’s
  • Post-operative pain relating to dental procedures
  • Relaxation between pre-operative
  • Pain reduction post operation
  • Chronic pain
  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Overall wellbeing

Of all of the available studies, there has only been one negative, which was when Reiki was used to treat fibromyalgia pain. However, fibromyalgia is an illness that even conventional drug treatments struggle to keep under control.

Reiki is used in hospitals across the country, and the American Hospital Association points to that number increasing as 84% of those hospitals stated that it was in response to patient demand, while 67% indicated that clinical effectiveness as the top reason for using alternative therapies in their hospitals.