Health is wealth, so they say – and many of us have no doubt heard that true slogan many times in our lifetime, particularly when things aren’t going all that well physically in our lives. Because when your health is gone, basically, everything for you is gone. Right? You probably will lose the capacity to work and when you can no longer work, your life could possibly start a downward spiral, one of misery and poverty; which can take years and years to recover; if ever.

On the other side of the scale, if we do have good health and we can work and enjoy life; our health actually can get a boost, increasing our happiness and wealth. Bottom line is that good health is the basic foundation on which our lives are built – health is a God-given gift.

Most of us think of health as merely the absence of ailments and sickness, and when we think of it like that, it’s quite a one-sided view, really, because in fact, that word, ‘health’ is far more comprehensive than that. Good health encompasses all-around physical well-being, social well-being, and mental well-being as well! It is all of these which enables us to live and work normally, kind of being able to resist all the negative impacts of our environment which come our way, and even more so in this day and age of synthetic this and synthetic that.

We can hardly over-exaggerate the advantages of being in good health because when you have it, you are not dependent on other people for some of your needs and you can get the best out of life on your own – choosing to do whatever you want and go where ever you choose. Unhealthy, confined, people can find life difficult to show joy because physical ailments bring on pain, bitterness, mental tensions sleepless nights, worry and misery.

It makes perfect sense that we should count it an essential part of our lives to try and acquire good physical health, and to maintain it. Remember, you can’t buy good health. The acquisition of good health will call for some concrete steps to be taken by us. Many doctors say that there are three basic factors that can bring about good health. These are:

1 -Good Habits

When you acquire good personal habits, you are helping to maintain good health. Good habits like getting up early to work, maintaining your own personal cleanliness, maintaining moderate eating habits, getting in good exercises, and getting adequate sleep and rest, are all vital in maintaining good health and mind.

2 – A Clean Environment

This is a basic requirement, today, even though it has become almost impossible to achieve today, simply because the environment in which we live is so polluted. Our basic requirement of life – water, is so contaminated today – and what about our food? The air that we breathe? Our towns and cities are dumping grounds for all kinds of waste where dangerous microbes breed. Unfortunately, good health just seems to have become a distant dream.

3 – A Clean Mind

A clean mind can never be undermined because our mind is what controls the body. Doctors say that the mind is so powerful it has the ability to even dispel some incurable diseases and ailments that might cripple the body. A positive outlook, being calm and serene, full of joy, happiness, and clean thoughts do have an unfathomable result on achieving good health.

Look at what the Bible says about a clean mind: “Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things” (-Philippians 4:8). So true.

As far as mental health is concerned, even if your body is in peak physical health, you are lost if your mental health isn’t in tip-top condition. Only fulfilling relationships and productive lives can be attained if your mental health is in order. Mental health is truly the springboard of your communications and thinking; your self-esteem. It is the state of mind in which a person can think and feel and act when he is faced with the onslaughts of life.

It is the way you look at yourself and other people in your life; it is the way you view problems and challenges and explore your options and decisions. It is the ability to maintain social relationships with people in a harmonious way – it is the state of the psychological condition of your mind. If your mental health is not intact, it means you have a disorder of the brain which will disrupt your thinking pattern, your moods, your feelings and your ability to communicate with others, adequately.

Disorders can be anything from schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, major depressive disorders and the like. They will profoundly affect your life. Having a mental illness is not anybody’s fault, and fortunately, many are treatable because the medication can help people to control the symptoms. Counseling, self-help groups and of course natural vitamins and foods play a huge role when it comes to mental health.

You will Be the First to Notice that All is Not Well

No one will know your body better than yourself — so when something goes wrong, you will probably be the first person to be aware of the wake-up call. We need to pay attention to the way we feel from any new pains or sensations – these signs cannot be ignored and many fatal conditions can be prevented if we look out for signs that something is not right – we need to take action.

Here are 5 important ways that your body will let you know that something is not right:

1 – Sharp Pains Either in the Chest or in the Head

Experiencing chest pain is a very serious symptom that you must not ignore – in fact, it requires immediate attention. If you suffer from tightness in the chest and lingering accompanying pain, it could mean signs of a heart attack or any heart disease; maybe even a blood clot. Any chest pain that is accompanied by pressure, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, needs an evaluation from a medical expert immediately.

If you suffer from extreme pain in the head, it could be an indicator of a burst blood vessel or an aneurysm, even shingles or meningitis. The inability to concentrate any longer or sudden confusion that overcomes you are very serious indicators that all is not right. Confusion and changes in personality, as well as strange behavior, could be indicators of brain tumors, bleeding in the brain and stroke.

2 – Unexplained Weight Loss

When you experience unexplained weight loss of around 5% of your body in a short space of time, count it as a warning sign that you should not ignore – you need to see your doctor. In fact, one of the largest reasons why people can lose weight rapidly, without trying to, is that they could be experiencing signs of cancer, particularly colon cancer.

There are other reasons why you could be losing weight too, like depression or diabetes; or problems with the endocrine system.

3 – Seeing Flashes of Light

If you are noticing flashes of light or sudden and unexplained bright spots appearing in your line of vision, or unusual things happening with your vision or eyes, you have to see a doctor. The flashes or the presence of large floaters in your path of sight could mean that your retina has become detached.

Take this very seriously, as this can quickly lead on to permanent vision loss. The symptoms might not be causing you pain and might appear harmless to you, but you need to get fast treatment if you want to save your vision.

4 – Persistent Fever

A fever that will not abate but continues to persist is something you shouldn’t ignore. It probably will require medical attention. Fever indicates that your body is dealing with some infection and the more serious the fever, the more serious the infection. Anything from meningitis, a urinary tract infection, cancer – don’t fob off a fever. Dr. David Bronson says that any “Fever of 103 degrees and higher warrants a trip to the doctor — period.”

5 – Shortness of Breath

Yes, you will get situations like when you are involved in physical activity that you will be short of breath, like a sudden fast run, or any intense physical workout. But if you are finding that you can’t seem to get your breath for quite a long time or if you notice chest pain or fever and circulation problems, you need to get over to your doctor immediately.

Inability to catch your breath might well be a sign of a pulmonary disease or a blood clot and both of these are very serious conditions. Shortness of breath can also arise from severe anxiety, even asthma. But you need to discuss these with your doctor too.

Those are 5, but don’t ignore these five more:

  1. Swollen legs can be a sign that you are experiencing heart failure or vein problems, even thyroid problems.
  2. Sudden pain in your stomach could mean something serious like an aortic aneurysm or blood flow problems, which could be accompanied by vomiting.
  3. Constant tiredness – We all sometimes joke and say we are tired all the time, but seriously, if you do experience long-term exhaustion and fatigue, it could mean that there is something seriously wrong; things like gastrointestinal cancer or anemia, depression or hypothyroidism. Whatever the reason, it is time to see your doctor. If you can’t kick serious fatigue no matter how often you sleep and for how long; rather remain on the safe side and see your doctor.
  4. Don’t ignore pelvic pain even if it might be a dull pain. It needs to be checked out by your doctor straight away. It could be a sign that you have appendicitis, it could be a kidney infection or a nerve condition; maybe a hernia. Even if the pain is vague, and you feel inclined just to think it will go away, you should not be suffering from pain in the pelvic area.
  5. Are you urinating excessively? If you find yourself flitting to the bathroom all the time, needing to run every few minutes so to speak, you need to see your doctor because excessive urination could mean that you have a tumor mass that could be pressing down on your bladder. Even if the tumor shows up later to be benign, you still need to see the doctor straight away, to be tested so that treatment can start should the tumor not be benign. Running to the toilet every few minutes could also mean a urinary tract infection, and if not treated immediately, gets worse, leaving you feeling nauseous, restless, and in pain and much discomfort – don’t delay!

The All-important Role that Vitamins and Minerals Play in Keeping Diseases at Bay

Just about every food will contain some vitamins; the organic substances so essential for the growth of our bodies and which are required to maintain good health. When our bodies are deficient in minerals and vitamins, sickness and stunted growth can abound. Let’s look at all the vitamins and minerals and see how they benefit our bodies:


Vitamin A (retinol) you will find in foods that originate from the animal kingdom, such as shark, green vegetables, eggs, liver oil, etc. Vitamin A also supplies carotene, the yellow pigment that we see in vegetables. Vitamin A deficiency in the body can cause Xerophthalmia which can lead to blindness. Xerophthalmia is when the conjunctiva and eye cornea are abnormally dry with inflammation. Men, women, and children need around 600 Meg of vitamin A daily.

Then there’s vitamin B1 (Thiamine). It is found in green vegetables and yeast. A deficiency of vitamin B will cause beriberi disease in young children and other deficiency diseases are neuritis and anemia.

Riboflavin in (Vitamin B2) will cause cracks around the mouth and skin disease will be noticed from this deficiency. Pellagra is another major disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin B2.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin or Nicotinic Acid) is very important for the circulation of the blood and the nervous system. When you are deficient you can feel depressed and experience mental dullness.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) you can find in liver and eggs and it is known to be ideal for those suffering from arthritis.

There is even a vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), metabolizing the proteins in your body, strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), combined with vitamin B12 is necessary for rich red blood cell formation, very important to take when women are pregnant.

There are other members of the vitamin B groups such as choline and Inositol.

Next up is vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), responsible for keeping diseases such as scurvy at bay, preventing bleeding of gums and other parts of your body. It keeps your body healthy when germs are all around and you feel like you are coming down with a cold or flu. Vitamin C also forms collagen that cements all your body cells together.

Vitamin D (Calciferol), known also as the sunshine vitamin. A deficiency can result in rickets in children and defective bone development. Even though required in small amounts, it is of extreme importance, this vitamin.

Vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol) is a top vitamin, in fact, people always say; remember vitamins A, C, and E. A deficiency of vitamin E can lead to reproductive disorders and female sterility.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is essential for the blood to clot in order to prevent excessive bleeding.


Boron – will prevent cysts and tumors

Calcium – builds strong bones

Chlorine – a natural disinfectant 

Chromium – will promote glucose tolerance, working with insulin in to metabolize sugar

Copper – turns iron into hemoglobin

Iodine – nourishes the thyroid

Iron – essential for purification of the blood

Magnesium – keeps you calm and relaxed

Manganese – co-ordinates your brain, muscles, and nerves

Molybdenum – overall general wellbeing

Phosphorous – promotes energy

Potassium – prevents acidosis

Zinc – promotes healing

Sulfur – excellent for your skin and hair and joints

Look for the Root Cause

Today, people mostly treat the symptoms and the conditions of their disease, but they are not addressing what could be the very root cause of their disease. Look first at your gut! People will see a doctor, complaining of hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease, and their nutritionist and even doctor will treat with medication or herbs – but what about their diets and lifestyles?

It was Hippocrates who said over 2000 years ago that “All disease begins in the gut.” Look at what is going through the gut today – its bad bacteria, toxins, gluten, undigested food particles – all these cause systemic inflammation as well as immune reactions from the body which go on to affect our joints, skin, thyroid, brain and the like. No wonder we get ill! A real, natural, detox is what you might need.

What are Some Signs You Need to Detox?
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Toxic build-up which causes body odor like foul breath and foul-smelling fecal matter. A furry coating on your tongue is another sign that you are “toxic”.
  • Chemical sensitivities from pollutants and harmful products.

Your body will tell you it is toxic and you need to detox by these signs and symptoms:

  • Gas and bloating
  • Acne and other skin issues
  • Sleeping problems
  • Food cravings
  • Sinus problems and headaches
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Dark circles under your eyes
  • Menstrual problems like pain

Treat Your Body Like a Precious Jewel

Shakespeare might have said that the eyes are the windows to the soul but the eyes are also the windows to the state of your health. Your eyes might well reveal important warning signs that all is not well inside your body and there are many diseases that will show up in your eyes. Sometimes we just ignore them because we think they are trivial.

Pain will be the first indicator that all is not right, but there might be other signs, like your weight, your size, your blood pressure, your temperature. If you are aware of unusual symptoms which persist longer than a few days, it’s worth having them checked out. One doctor from London says that “There are many symptoms and signs that people may find trivial but can often provide the doctor with clues to a possible underlying illness.”

It’s time to reset your body – and remember, your body constantly communicates with you about all it needs. It is up to each one of us to listen carefully what our body is telling us. If you have any of the above symptoms – don’t suffer – get to your doctor today so that you can start reducing inflammation, detoxing and eating mindfully – you only have one life, only one body – don’t delay and let it become a race against time.