Are you someone who suffers from rosacea? Rosacea affects a large percentage of people that come from northern European descent. While its effects are relatively benign, the appearance of the reddish skin can deeply affect the self-esteem and social interaction for any person dealing with this condition.

On a positive note, there are a number of treatments and ways to diminish the appearance of rosacea symptoms so that a sufferer feels much less like they stick out in a crowd. This article will be sharing some of the ways that you can use to treat rosacea.


People who suffer from rosacea may be able to find relief through the means of specific medications that are designed to reduce the appearance of the symptoms. In many cases, the healthcare professional working with the patient will make the suggestion that they use more than one method of treatment.

One form of treatment involves the use of antibiotics that are taken orally such as minocycline and erythromycin. These are used primarily because of their anti-inflammatory properties, and can help with engorged blood vessels that are close to the surface of the skin.

They are also likely to employ the use of a topical antibiotic like benzoyl peroxide to help reduce the sensitivity of the tiny blood vessels in the skin. This will help to lessen the appearance of blood vessels on the surface of the skin.

Laser Treatment

These treatments use a focused beam of light to shrink the blood vessels that have become visible on the skin. This procedure should only be performed by a professional dermatologist, and can be highly effective, but will often have some side effects.

These side effects generally vanish after about 2 weeks. If any symptoms persist, it’s likely to be an infection.

  • Bruising of the skin around the area that has been treated.
  • Crusting of the skin at the site of the treatment.
  • Some swelling, and light soreness at the site of the treatment.

Plastic Surgery

Rosacea can become severe enough to change the appearance of a person by causing them to develop a bulbous reddish nose and swollen cheeks. Different types of surgery can be used to remove the extra tissue that has grown on the areas to return the appearance of the person to what they would consider to be normal.

Talk to your doctor if you think you have rosacea so that you can find out about the different treatment options.