Did you know that an inactive lifestyle is one of the primary indicators of osteoporosis and weakened bones? Exercise not only improves all of the systems in your body including your immune system, it also helps strengthen your bones and reduces bone loss as you age.

The key to remember when striving for healthy bones is “weight bearing” exercise. Many people confuse this with strength training or weight lifting.

They’re not the same thing.

In fact, walking is considered weight bearing. Each step that you take puts your body weight on the leg that’s pressed into the ground. That’s the essence of weight bearing exercise. Don’t like to take walks every day? What about…


Yoga is a weight bearing exercise. You can perform yoga moves in the comfort of your home or in a yoga studio. Many community centers offer yoga classes and you can often find yoga online or on your television.


Do you love music and moving your body? Dance for twenty or more minutes a day to get weight bearing exercise. Take a class or just have a dance party in your living room. Break a sweat and get your heart pumping for cardio benefits too.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a type of martial art that embraces series of slow and graceful movements. According to a study reported in Physician and Sports Medicine, postmenopausal women who did 45 minutes of tai chi a day, five days a week for a year, reduced their bone loss by up to three-and-a-half times slower less than those in the non tai chi segment.

Hike, play golf, or head to the tennis court. There are a wide variety of weight bearing exercises that you can enjoy and build bone health. Find an activity that makes you smile and move your body.