What Can Happen in 30 DaysFor many people 30 days doesn’t seem like much time. In fact, with the fast pace of life 30 days might seem like nothing. But here’s the great thing, 30 days for our bodies can seem like an eternity. In fact, 30 short days is enough time for your body to adjust to a new way of eating and to begin heavily cleaning out any waste it doesn’t need.

30 days is also enough time for your taste buds to reset and for your body to be set on a new path. In fact, many people find that if they try to eat something unhealthy after that 30 days then the foods they used to love now taste badly to them.

Your first week will likely be your biggest adjustment. This is the time when your body is trying to adjust to the changes that you are making. You may begin to experience symptoms of detox during this week, and it may cause you to wonder what on earth you’re doing to yourself.

But, if you can stick with it beyond this first week it will be well worth it. You may feel like you have a cold or possibly the flu, and you may even find yourself feeling extremely tired or with a dull headache. These are all signs that toxins are being released from your body, and believe it or not this is a good thing.

Once those toxins have cleared, so will your detox symptoms. When this happens you will find yourself with more energy, better rest, more mental clarity, and a host of other amazing changes.

In 30 days you will also lose weight. But this will not be like the weight loss struggles that you’re used to, because when you eat a certain way than the weight literally seems to melt off of your body. Your stomach will look flatter, your arms will look slimmer, and best of all any water weight that you may have been carrying will be gone.

If you choose to continue eating this way, you will very likely find that your body naturally finds and maintains its perfect weight.

One of the most exciting things about getting through that 30 days is that this will become a habit. In other words, you will find yourself naturally reaching for that water instead of soda and you will find that you are now craving snacks like apples and almond butter over cookies. This is a natural change that happens when your body has a chance to reset itself.

When you are looking to change your eating habits, 30 days could feel like an eternity. But the good news is for your body 30 days is more than enough time to set itself on a new path and rid itself of bad habits.

And once you start to see the positive changes because of your new way of eating than the remainder of your 30 days will fly by.