When you start down a path to juicing, you may be looking for the most cost effective and nutrient packed juice you can make. This means going through a list of your needs and a list of fruits and vegetables that will meet those needs.
One way to make a juice you like, but also pack a superfood into the mix that beats the rest, is to go with noni juice. So, what is noni juice and how can it benefit you? Here is what you need to know.
The Plant and Fruit
You may be surprised to find that noni is actually a tree and not just the fruit. The noni is part of the evergreen family and is indigenous to the Pacific Islands, Southeastern Asia, and Australia. It is used for everything from natural remedies to dying clothing and textiles. The noni fruit is not the only part of the tree that can be used.
In fact, every part of the tree can be used in some way to help with illness or to be used as a natural alternative for various manufacturing options. For health, the noni fruit as well as the leaves and the bark are harvested.
How It is Harvested
You should know that noni fruit is harvested year round, but at different points in maturity. Noni fruit must be at least a year old in order to be harvested. This is when the fruit is the most beneficial and can be harvested as ripe. It can be harvested from one year to as much as five years depending on what the fruit will be used for. This is why there are rotating farms of noni for routine harvesting.
Most noni fruit is harvested by hand so the fruit is not damaged. This is important for many vegans who want their fruit sourced without harming the environment or animals.
How to Use Noni Fruit
There are many ways you can use the noni fruit. One of the most popular is to juice the fruit. You can also eat the fruit directly or mix it with other fruits. Some people also create a spread out of it like a jelly or jam. There are many ways to use the fruit to help with inflammation in the body, and it can be as effective with inflammation as turmeric.
This is just a quick rundown of what noni juice is and how it can benefit your body on a daily basis. There are many ways to use noni juice and to incorporate it into your diet. The key to remember is that if you are looking for a superfood packed fruit juice, this is it.