Homeopathic medicine is different from typical Western medicine in that the whole person is looked at when working to alleviate illness and symptoms. In a typical Western medical appointment you go and discuss symptoms, the doctor runs tests, and then prescribes a medicine to eliminate the symptoms.
While this can be helpful in some cases, it doesn’t get to the root of the cause of the problem. And as you may have experienced, medications often come with side effects that can cause even more problems.
However, with homeopathic medicine a homeopath will study you as a whole person. He or she will look at your physical symptoms as well as your mental and emotional health, spiritual health, and even your personality.
You may have the exact same symptoms as someone else, but receive a completely different treatment based on prescribing for the whole person rather than just symptoms.
That’s one reason you can’t just take the same remedy that someone else is using in order to get the same results. It’s important to work with someone who understands homeopathic medicine and can prescribe just the right remedy for you.
Homeopathic medicine really looks at every aspect of what makes you who you are and is causing your situation. You may go over information such as recent traumas, emotional issues, how your symptoms are making you feel, and how you feel when you aren’t experiencing symptoms.
All of this information goes into determining which remedy will be the best for alleviating your symptoms and allowing you to experience perfect health. While you’ll be encouraged to eat a nutritious diet and live a healthy lifestyle, the true focus is on the remedy that is prescribed to you.
Homeopathic remedies are usually taken in liquid or pill form. They consist of substances such as minerals, plant extracts, and animal extracts that are greatly diluted before being used as a treatment.
Rather than work through chemical means, homeopathic medicine uses such diluted chemicals that it can’t cause any side effects or interactions with medications you’re already taking.
Homeopathic medicine has been shown to work in clinical applications but the exact mechanism for how it works isn’t known. Some experts believe that it may work through energy pathways or electromagnetic energy.
In any case, your prescription will be individual to you and will help to balance you as a whole person, eliminate symptoms, and will work without any side effects or harm.