Most people mistakenly believe that when women are in relationships, they gain weight simply because they stopped trying to impress their significant other. Although relationships are great, there are barriers to healthy eating and exercise that come with it, and the more you know about how to prepare for those moments, the better off you’ll be in the future.
People love to date by going to eat a lot or drink and talk over dinner – which is a great way to get to know someone. However, if this is a majority of your first or many dates, suggest something different – such as a class, event, or something active and fun.
If you do get stuck behind the menu over and over again, most restaurants now offer healthier meal options, and you can mike wiser choices with your drinks and appetizers. Not every meal has to be this strategic, but if dinner dates are frequent, try to make healthier choices for the majority of them.
Once you fall in love, life can move fast and you get so busy that exercise and health seem like they’re on the backburner. This is the point where you might make more convenient choices rather than healthier ones.
You need to both be on the same page when it comes to junk food and sweets in the house. You need to find an easier way to eat healthier. Creating one meal prep day, or choosing a meal prepping service is a great way to ease the process about having to think about what to cook, or searching for something healthy.
Meal prep services deliver healthy food for the week to your doorstep all ready to warm up or cook – while meal prepping is you doing the exact same thing once a week for yourself.
Try to challenge each other can keep each other accountable for your workouts and dieting. Competitive relationships are healthy, and setting small term goals like one or two months can be a lot of fun.
Regardless of your reason to lose weight, come up with a system based on low stress and possibly with the support of your partner that will help you – not just lose weight, but keep it off in the long run.
Nobody chooses to gain weight because they’re in a relationship, so just look at the factors around your life that need to change, and once you have your list of changes, lay it all on the line and transform your bodies together.